So this year, I’ve been a crappy member of Austin RWA. I’m happy, however, to celebrate one of Austin RWA’s members on her 2nd RITA win.

For those of you who haven’t followed the news from Romancelandia, Sherry Thomas’ His At Night won the RITA (the Oscar of the Romance world) for best Historical.

I’ve been a fan of Sherry’s both as an author and as a person for quite a while. She was one of the first people who critiqued one of my earlier drafts when I first started writing and Sherry’s no holds barred comments spurred me on to being a better writer (hopefully). Her sense of humor is nothing short of incredible and if you haven’t heard one of her RITA speeches or listened to one of her workshops, you’re missing out on a master.

Sherry is also the writer who brought me back to historical romance novels. Prior to reading Sherry’s Private Arrangements, I hadn’t read a historical in years. Now, I’m as likely to be reading Stephanie Sloane and Courtney Milan as anything else and I have Sherry to thank for the turn.

So to celebrate her 2nd RITA Win, I’m giving away Sherry’s complete backlist. Starting with her critically acclaimed debut Private Arrangements to the follow up novel that arguably started the foodie romance novel trent Delicious, one winner will also receive Not Quite a Husband as well as her 2nd RITA winner, His At Night.

So join me in celebrating Sherry’s 2nd RITA. Stop by to leave a comment any time this week. I’ll pick the winner on Friday and hopefully, someone new will check out the talented Sherry Thomas!