So I can finally go public with the announcement. In case you missed it last night on twitter, I’m the debut author for the relaunch of Ballatine Bantam Dell’s Loveswept. My first book, Because of You will be out in November and it’s the first of a three book series Coming Home.

Excuse me while I jump up and down. It still hasn’t sunk in. Holy crap I finally sold my book!!!

Okay, I’m done.

So yesterday was a banner day in my life. You’re only in NYC for the first time once. I had my first NYC cab right and thought I was going to die. I almost got hit by a cab for the first time. I saw Times Square and Central Park for the first time. I stood in the lobby of Random House and was absolutely awestruck being surrounded by so many first edition books that are just iconic. Almost got ran over by some cyclists in Central Park for the first time.

But yesterday was the day I signed my first contract, which I actually think I understood ( I hope I didn’t accidently sign away one of my kids…). I had my first invite to my publisher’s party.

Dude, gang, I finally sold. I mean, when it really sinks in, I’m like in tears. Four and a half years and tons of angst and…wow. I mean I sold. I really sold.

So today is going to another busy day and tonight, I’m shutting the bar down with friends and once more making sure that certain people make it back to their room in one piece. I’m having a blast seeing old friends and making new ones.

The only thing I can really say is thank you to everyone who has supported me and let me cry on their shoulder and lean on them over the years. Because I damn sure wouldn’t be here right now if I hadn’t had some amazing people to help prop me up when the going got a little rough and you know who you are…

Gang, I sold!!!!!!!!!!!