Thank You

Just wanted to pop back on and say thank you for the emails and the support. Today was a rough one for some reason and I thought I’d be honest about the pain I was feeling on the blog about missing my kids. I mean, that’s what I’m really going through as a mom, so…

It’s not all bad though. I’ve learned a lot this year and accomplished a lot more. So in the effort of dragging my depressing self out of the gulley of what the heck have I done, I’m going to figure out everything that I have managed to accomplish this year, both army and writing.


  1. Got rate best platoon leader out of 11 in the battalion. I was shocked but thought that was pretty cool. My battalion commander listens to me now as opposed to thinking I’m just a mouthy lieutenant.
  2. Was selected to be my company executive officer (2nd in command) early. Fixed the property book so that we have 100% accuracy of everything we own (trust me this is harder than it seems).
  3. Have re-motivated my supply sergeant. There is nothing better in the army than taking a kid who’s struggling and turning him around. My supply sergeant went from being the worst in the battalion to the best. As a team, we’ve still got room to grow, but he’s come a long way and I just smile when he starts talking smack about how squared away he is, because he deserves it.
  4. Got selected for captain. Okay, Bill, stop laughing. We all know that just requires a pulse but I thought I’d throw it in for a laugh.
  5. Grew a lot as a leader. Had some serious challenges but I think I’ve learned a lot about myself and my own weaknesses and strengths as an officer.


  1. When I left for Iraq, I had 2 books done and a 3rd half way. Now, I’ve got 7 completed but I’ve rewritten 4 of them so in reality, I wrote 11 books this year.
  2. Have grown my blog. When I started the year, I had 10 hits a week. Now, I’m up to almost 2000, so thank you, everyone who stops by the site and says hi or just checks up on me.
  3. Hooked up with some fab mentors and an awesome critique partner. Can’t wait to read more and continue to grow.
  4. Learned from a great agent. Things might not have worked out but I’m still exceptionally grateful that she took me on.
  5. Was mentioned on Smart Bitches and Romance Roll Call (and still smile when I think about it, so thank you, SBSarah and Sarah!)

This year has been full of ups and downs, and the roller coaster is about to get even more crazy before we get out of here. Thank you for everyone who’s supported me, sent care packages or a kind email. Hopefully, I’ll have a fab new agent soon and will get my head straightened out and focused back on my goals, which is be a kick ass army officer and a published author.

No more bummer posts. I’m coming home soon!!