To Our Vietnam Vets: Thank You

The other night, I made it to Austin’s RWA meeting. I feel continually horrible because I don’t get down there nearly enough and I’ve been struggling through so much crap at home that the thought of driving over an hour each way was enough to keep me away. But the...
An Austin RWA Give Away

An Austin RWA Give Away

I’ve bragged multiple times about how much I love my home chapter of RWA, Austin RWA or AWRA to those of us who love her. But today, I get to do something a little extra special as a way to say thank you to the chapter that took such excellent care of me last year...

A Huge Thank You

For those of you who don’t know, I’m a member of the Austin Romance Writers of America. They’ve been amazingly supportive over the ups and downs of going through the pain of seeking publication and last night was no exception. They threw me a going...