Book of the Month: A PLACE CALLED HOME

Book of the Month: A PLACE CALLED HOME

Book of the Month: A PLACE CALLED HOME #bookofthemonth #cominghomeseries A PLACE CALLED HOME Prologue Camp Taji, Iraq 2007 Sergeant First Class Reza Iaconelli had seen better days. He closed his eyes, wishing he was anywhere but curled up on the latrine floor in the...
Book of the Month: CARRY ME HOME: Chapter 13

Book of the Month: CARRY ME HOME: Chapter 13

Book of the Month: CARRY ME HOME #bookofthemonth #carrymehome #cominghomeseries CHAPTER THIRTEEN Claire moved toward the coffeepot in the conference room of the lodge like a crack addict looking for a fix. Luckily, no one bothered to intercept her, which was good...