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Self Publishing for a Cause

I’m deeply honored today to have Natalie Baum as a guest here on the blog. I first heard about Natalie and why she was self publishing The Secret Underground at RWA this year when her agent Sara Megibow mentioned it.

I wanted to post her book on release day for me because I’m hoping it will drive lots of traffic for her. If you have to decide between my book and hers, buy hers. Just wait til you read the reason why she self published. So without further ado, Natalie is here to tell you a little bit about why she’s self publishing this fantastic story!

I’m a writer. I also have four rowdy little kids. Ninety percent of every day revolves around them. I fit writing in during naps or early in the morning before they get up.

I’m a writer, but the truth is writing is a pretty small part of my life. Mostly, I’m a mom. I think that’s why I was so touched when I heard about the struggles of a sweet baby boy named Jayden.

Two years ago I had my youngest child. I’d had some complications with my pregnancy and my baby was born a little premature. He spent a few weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Those weeks were hard, but it wasn’t long before he came home, healthy and happy.

A few months after the birth of my son, Jayden was born. Just like my little guy, he went straight to the NICU. Only, he didn’t come home for SIX MONTHS. His parents were at the hospital constantly, never knowing if their baby would make it one more day. He finally came home but, because of some major health issues, he’s been in and out of the hospital ever since.

After a year and half of mounting bills his parents were struggling financially too.

When I heard about their heartbreaking situation, I knew I needed to do something to help.

I called up my agent, Sara Megibow, and asked if we could do a book for him. She thought it was wonderful idea, so with the support of Nelson Literary Agency, we published The Secret Underground.

It’s a middle grade adventure (perfect for 8-12-year-olds) about a group of kids who dig a tunnel to an abandoned steel mill. There’s danger and fun and friendship and a few scary bank robbers (think Goonies).

I hope you’ll consider buying a copy for a child in your life. All of the profits will go to help Jayden and his family. And I know every single book sold will make a difference to them.

You can read more about the project and Jayden here. The paperback version of The Secret Underground is available on Amazon. The eBook can be purchased just about anywhere eBooks are sold. The audiobook is available on Audible and iTunes. The paperback will be in more online bookstores soon.

Thanks so much for letting me visit, Jessica! I hope Until There Was You sells like hotcakes! ☺

Want to help? Purchase the paperback at Amazon or purchase the ebook at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes.

It’s for a great cause. What are you waiting for?

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