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Guest Author Carly Phillips

Today, I’m honored to have Carly Phillips here to celebrate the release of her latest novel Serendipity. She’s the New York Times Bestselling author of over 30 romance novels with contemporary characters and plotlines that today’s readers identify with and enjoy. Carly is a stay at home mom of 2 daughters (now almost old enough to read her books!), one soft coated wheaten terrier and a brand new Havanese puppy. She’s a Twitter and Internet junkie and is always around to interact with her readers.

Please join me in welcoming Carly to the site and if you haven’t checked out Serendipity, you’re missing out!

A Whole New World

Twitter changed my life. It’s amazing to me. 140 characters. So easy. So hard. It took me a very long time to comprehend how Twitter worked. I didn’t understand the @ any more than I understood the # sign. I mean Hashtag? What’s a Hashtag? Well, I’m definitely not here to give a Twitter lesson, so if you don’t know, let’s say I’m going to tell you all the reasons why you want to find out.

Twitter has broadened my world. As a writer, I live in my head. I stare at the computer screen, I write. I have email to link me to writer friends who don’t live nearby. There’s Facebook but that isn’t as immediate or as personal, at least for me. So when I started out on Twitter, I didn’t think it would be the thing that introduced me to new people. But it did! Thanks to Twitter, I “met”other writers whose names I knew, but who I never interacted with before. I even spent most of the RWA Conference meeting up with new Twitter friends in person, getting to know them better, and truly appreciating what Twitter has brought into my life.

Twitter has helped my writing! Writers on Twitter like to do something called “Sprint”. It’s writing in 30 minute increments without distraction, then checking in with each other and reporting word count. This has upped my productivity. Hah! And I bet you thought Twitter was a complete time suck that prevents you from getting work done. Wrong!

Twitter has led me to new books and authors! When I don’t know who or what to read next, I can ask people on Twitter what romances they’re reading and get an immediate answer, check out the books for myself and download them on my Kindle in seconds! I’ve delved into new genres, checked out new authors, and really expanded my reading horizons. It’s awesome!

Twitter lets me help promote authors I genuinely like. I can Retweet their posts, offer congratulations, or mention a book I loved, and as a result I’m introducing MY followers to new authors! Isn’t that fantastic?

Twitter brings me closer with my readers! I’ve been in contact with readers who I’ve then met at conferences, met readers via our mutual interest in ABC soap operas, shared books, etc.

Twitter introduced me to Jessica, who graciously invited me here to promote my new release, SERENDIPITY, a small town contemporary romance out now! For more information on SERENDIPITY, visit my website at

So have I convinced you yet? Do you Tweet? I highly recommend it!

More information on Carly can be found at her website:

Around the web you can also find Carly at:

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