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Cart Before the Horse

Last week, Holly Root from the Waxman Literary Agency and who represents the fabulous Skylar White from Austin’s RWA among other talented authors, wrote a blog post called Letting the Market Speak.

I had a eureka moment.

I’ve got a great agent and I’ll be honest, I’m still a little in awe of the fact that I have an agent at all, let alone a fabulous one so I’m pretty ill inclined toward asking her career based questions. My agent’s focus for me right now is getting my manuscript in the best shape possible and she’s dead on with that needing to be my focus.

Here’s where I struggle. My agent is incredibly busy. Like insanely so. Which means that I try not to drop in too many emails or unsolicited questions because I know she’s slammed at work. I hound my writer friends for those. But I found myself wondering when we were going to have The Talk, which is where do you see me and my career going. Translation: I struggle with patience.

Well, Holly Root’s blog gave me a dose of reality, which, as usual for me means SLOW DOWN. My agent hasn’t even sold my first book yet and I’m thinking ahead. How about stopping and focusing on the project at hand, oh newbie writer, instead of pipe dreams.

One more nudge that I need to slow down and focus on this book. The right now book. Everything else will come when there is time. It’s like finding a job that fits you. When I was the brigade communications officer, I was in over my head. Now, I’m a company executive officer, it’s a good fit. My agent will find a house where I fit.

Everything else will come all in it’s own time.

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