Site icon Jessica Scott

The Silence of the Pen (as it were)

Last week was a good one, though you’d never know it by the sound of the crickets coming from my blog. Somehow, I managed to dig back into the writing scene, having cranked out a good 50 + pages on my paranormal while I wait on comments from my agent on another book.  The paranormal is a little different for me, in that I really struggled on my first draft to get into my heroine’s head. I ended up starting over and finding a way in and it feels so good to be writing again.


I was really concerned over the last few weeks. I literally stared at my MacBook and nothing came. I couldn’t summon the concern for my characters to even reread from the beginning to pick up whatever it was that I’d lost. That technique failed me. So I took a break, thinking that a day or so wouldn’t hurt.


Surprise. That break turned into three weeks. I was definitely in a depression, though I couldn’t see my way out at the time. I started back on my vitamins and got into a good argument and magically, I felt like writing again. It’s sad but my no arguing pledge to my commander apparently sucked the life out my muse as well. It seems I have a small problem with conflict in my life, in that I really do thrive on it.
That is not a good thing but at this point, I’m not going to argue with whatever gets my butt in chair and words coming out of my finger tips once more.


At this point, I’m just excited to be writing again and ENJOYING it.

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